Postnatal Care and Rehabilitation

You’ve now just popped out a little human!

And now the journey begins. This new chapter in life will bring joy, sleepless nights, poo filled nappies and trying to find a new routine to life.

Postnatally there are lots and lots of things to remember and it can be quite overwhelming and an eye opening experience.

Enjoy the moments!
And remember it is ok to cry and it is ok to ask for help! Priorities change and as a new mum we can forget about ourselves.

As for physiotherapy let us help you look after you! Everyone needs a bit of me time!

Abdominal Separation

Your deep abdominal muscle layer helps with maintaining core control, which inadvertently, minimises back, pelvic and hip pain. Good core strength allows you to exercise without you injuring yourself.

Abdominal separation can have an impact on some postnatal women. It can occur at any point along the abdomen between your six pack muscle. Postnatally the width and depth of your separation may have implications in the future.

You could develop:

  • Joint and muscular pain
  • Pelvic floor weakness

The last thing you want to worry about is developing any joint or muscular pain. As bubs grows, we want you to be strong so you don’t hurt yourself when you are looking after them. What about lifting the pram? That can be quite heavy!

Let us help you get stronger to reduce your chances of developing pain, so you can enjoy this new phase in life.

Pelvic Floor

Regardless of if you have had a vaginal or caesarean, there will have been changes to your pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor has had to carry and hold bubs 24/7 for the last 9 months. Imagine wearing a weighted vest not only with exercise but also during the day for 9 months. It’s going to get tiring!

Did you know that your pelvic floor is a part of your core?

Pelvic floor strength and endurance is important in the postnatal phase as it helps with healing and recovery. It can also minimise the future impact of:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Reduction and/or minimising bladder and bowel dysfunction
  • Prolapse
  • Joint pain

You might not necessarily experience any signs or symptoms of incontinence or prolapse, but it is important to ensure the pelvic floor exercises are performed correctly and that they match your level of strength and endurance at any given time.

Pelvic floor exercises will go a long way with preventing any future issues. And if you are thinking or hoping for another bubs, pelvic floor exercises are going to help prepare your body prenatally.

We recommend a 6 week postnatal check with a pelvic floor physiotherapist regardless of if you have had a vaginal delivery or a caesarean. 

So how about that 6 week check?

Are you interested to know what your pelvic floor or your abdominal separation is postnatally?