Pelvic Pain

“Oh period pain is normal”
“The pain is all in your head”
“You’ll be alright”

Pelvic pain can be a complex scenario for some individuals as well as health professionals. Because the pelvis contains many different structures and provides attachment different muscles, pain can arise from any one of these parts. Certain medical conditions specifically to the pelvic region can be a source of pain.

Some of the medical conditions that can cause pelvic pain can include:

  • Endometriosis
  • Adenomyosis
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Painful bladder syndrome
  • Pudendal neuralgia
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic infections
  • Vulvodynia

Pelvic pain can affect both genders and can present in a variety of ways and each person will have different symptoms. Sometimes there isn’t a medical diagnosis straight away or for some there isn’t one at all (which can be incredibly frustrating). Usually as a result, the pelvic floor and/or surrounding hip and back muscles can tighten up as a protective measure to try to reduce your pain.

Common symptoms of pelvic pain can be:

  • Pain or discomfort with intercourse
  • Is it painful to empty your bladder or your bowels? Or do you find when you have a full bladder or bowels that it hurts?
  • Does it hurt around the perineum when you sit?
  • Pain and/or heaviness in around your pelvic area including lower abdominal, hips, groin, perineal, lower back and/or coccyx pain

For females:

  • Pain with penetration such as with intercourse, pap smears and tampon use
  • Pain with tight clothing
  • Or is there severe pain with periods that required you to take time off work or school?
  • Is there also a skin component we need to consider too?

For males:

  • Erectile pain, pain around the penile/scrotal region and pain with ejaculation

Pelvic pain can extend beyond the physical symptoms and can affect or be influenced by your emotional and mental wellbeing as well.

The psychological impact can be hard for you and possibly your partner. Pelvic pain can be debilitating and can impact sometimes the most basic things in life. Is your pain severe enough it is impacting your relationship and libido?

Pelvic floor physiotherapy can be helpful with one given you a program designed to help with reduce and manage your pain, by providing and finding the strategies that help you the most.

Are you suffering from pelvic pain?

Whether it be period pain or pain across the perineum. Don’t let your pain run you down